Recipes Across the Nation!
Jessica Shelly, our Healthy Schools Program Ambassador in Cincinnati, OH, showcases her district’s “Cincinnati 3 way” recipe. For those of us not familiar with the dish she explains, “Cincinnati-style chili is a regional style of chili characterized by the use of seasonings such as cinnamon and chocolate. It is commonly served over spaghetti with cheese on top or as a hot dog sauce. Hands down, it is our most popular menu item. When the new school meal regulations went into place last year, we had to stop serving our 3-way dish at the elementary schools due to the grain maximums. The loss was palpable with students very upset and even writing classroom ‘persuasive letter’ assignments about bringing back the 3-way to the menu. With the grain maximums lifted, the 3-ways are coming back to elementary menus this school year.”
1 serving = 2 M/MA and 2 grain/bread
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Makes 84 servings